Wajah Pendidikan Indonesia

Rabu, April 01, 2009

The Early Morning Head Master Gives Advise The Student.i breefing di smp 1 takeran

This is Class Room of 7 A

In this Room are Only 20 Student all teacher have to use LCD if they are teaching in this room, because this room have permanent LCD

All the students of SMP 1 Takeran have blog, especially class 7 A. Nowadays they are very attractive to make email and blog. We hope the most of students SMP 1 Takeran will have blog.


  1. http://www.andrifarandana.blogspot.com
  2. http://ayenutomo.blogspot.com//
  3. http://wahyunitarahmawati.blogspot.com

To make the student competition between to each other, we make competition about blog. Who have the best blog, the will get gift, and they who have the worse blog will get fine.

On the future our school will be prepared to become RSBI on 2010. Our school have

The Students go home late

because they study internet in their room

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